Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20
Feed your spirit on the Word of God
Kingdom Building Communities – Doers of the Word

Prayer Altars: A Strategy That Is Changing Nations
By John Mulinde and Mark Daniel
What if the Scriptures had a secret that revealed how territory can be taken for the kingdom of God? What if that secret was impacting nations on the earth today?
Whether it is through Abraham, Moses, or the early church, God uses prayer altars to occupy territory, advance His kingdom, break the powers of darkness and draw His presence. This strategy from the Word of God has helped bring revival to entire nations. And the best part is… God is still using them today!
Come explore how you can be a part of this strategy and build prayer altars today in your home, church, city, workplace, and even your nation.
Resource guides for establishing your Prayer Altars
Featuring: Your Supernatural Kingdom Lifestyle – Training series ebooks
1. Enter Your Supernatural Kingdom Lifestyle - Training
Begin Your Supernatural Kingdom Lifestyle here by entering through the 'Door' of Jesus Christ into an everlasting Life, Light and Love in the Lord.
2. pray hear love and obey the lord
Your Supernatural Christian Lifestyle
3. freedom in christ
Be refined and purified by the truth of the Word. Become an even more fruitful disciple of Jesus. Fulfill your full potential and destiny as a Christian. This will help you clear away the spiritual darkness and connect with Jesus in a deeper and more intimate way of freedom.
4. Your Supernatural Kingdom Lifestyle - Foundations
Your Supernatural Kingdom Lifestyle needs to be established on a firm foundation to grow in your blessed intimate loving relationship with God your Father. This training will help you develop the habits required to support motivate and sustain your supernatural lifestyle. This will include: Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship with other believers, Living a Spirit led lifestyle, Giving of yourself, Discovering your unique personality and God given giftings. Your specific calling, purpose and divine destiny for your life. Each chapter includes links to anointed teaching videos. Begin now and build a solid foundation on the Rock of the Word, Jesus Christ to support and sustain Your Supernatural Kingdom Lifestyle. May the Lord richly bless you as you grow and mature as a kingdom citizen.
5. Your Supernatural Kingdom Lifestyle - Learn to pray more effectively Now
Learn to pray in agreement with the plans, purposes, will, ways and timings of the Lord to see and experience supernatural signs wonders, miracles and power released in, around and through you.
6. Your Supernatural Walk with Jesus into His kingdom
Learn and experience the progressively increasingly intimate levels and expressions of your growing relationship with the lover of your soul, your Savior, Redeemer, Bridegroom King the Lord Jesus Christ
7. Your Supernatural Kingdom of God Citizenship Training
Jesus gave us His Sermon-on-the Mount described as the constitution for His kingdom of God. Learn to live as a loving obedient and blessed citizen of the kingdom of God both here, now and in the glorious future.
8. Spirit empowered life
About the author - Chris Vennetti is presently the Co-Founder of Disciples Nations International, a mission’s organization that helps to pioneer long-term strategic partnerships with the Global Body of Christ by seeking to disciple entire cities, regions and nations in the will and ways of Jesus Christ. Chris was part of the founding team that launched the 40 Days of Love initiative. Chris is the author of the book, Journey into the Spirit Empowered Life, A Guide to Personal, Family and Community Transformation.
Choose today to grow your supernatural lifestyle
Choose and learn from these teachings to progressively learn and grow in Your Supernatural Kingdom Lifestyle in communion with Lord Jesus Christ, Bridegroom, King and Judge of the world.
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About the author – Chris Vennetti – Chris and his wife Rebecca served on staff with Cru 15 years ago. Chris is presently the Co-Founder of Disciples Nations International, a mission’s organization that helps to pioneer long-term strategic partnerships with the Global Body of Christ by seeking to disciple entire cities, regions and nations in the will and ways of Jesus Christ. Chris was part of the founding team that launched the 40 Days of Love initiative. Chris is the author of the book, Journey into the Spirit Empowered Life, A Guide to Personal, Family and Community Transformation, along with numerous other books and booklets. Chris and Rebecca live with their five children in Orlando, Florida
About the author – Andrew Murray
Published posthumously in 1897, Murray’s groundbreaking manual led to renewed interest in his life and works both in the United States and worldwide. His instructions, while simple in tone, are shot through with devotion and moving encouragement to trust in, and surrender to, the divine. As well as spiritual guidance, this book effectively summarizes Murray’s attitude to faith and spiritual growth.
This book imparts several tenets to the reader; that God requires the humbling of his adherents. Upon
The Gospel
John Mulinde testimony to surrender
PREPARE- to meet Jesus and for the age to come
Change is inevitable and is coming to you, your family, your nation and the world. A wise person see what is coming and becomes Prepares. This training will teach you what the Bible tells us to expect and how to prepare
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92 Days of Glory
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